Jamia-tul-Madinah has divided the academic year into two semesters. Towards the end of each semester there will be an examination. All students are required to take the exam. If a student does not participate in the year-end exams or fails in more than two subjects, then they will be unable to move ahead to the next level. They will have to remain in the current year and repeat it. If a student fails in one or two subjects then they can re-take the exam for those subjects and if they pass on the second attempt they will be permitted to move to the next level. However if the student fails again on the second attempt, they will not be allowed to move to the next semester.
In order to appear in examinationsstudents need to have an overall grade of at least 60% in every subject.
- Students will have to maintain an 80% yearly attendance rate. If a student’s attendance is lower than 80%, he will not be allowed to sit in the Final Exams.
- Students who are 18 or older have to travel in the monthly Madani Qafila. Permission for absence can be taken from the administration of Jamia-ul-Madinah.
- Students who are younger than 18 will have to stay within the premises of Jamia-tul-Madinah.

Extra-Curricular Activities
By the Grace of Allah, the Administration of Jamia-tul-Madinah tries to engage their students with spiritual activities to train them in their daily and spiritual life. This is why Jamia-tul-Madinah has also kept 100 points in the final exam for the extra-curricular activities during the whole year (Excluding the two months of vacation around Ramadan). These activities include:
Madani Muzakra:
There are 4 or 5 weekly Madani Muzakra each month (typically on Suturdays). One Point will be given for attending each Muzakra. The student who attends at least four 4weekly Madani Muzakras during the month will get 4 points for the month and 40 points for 10 months.
Madani Ina’amat:
Two points for submitting the Madani Inaamt card each month. Students will get 20 points for submitting the Madani Inamat card for 10 months.
Madani Qafila:
Four points will be given for travelling in the Madani Qafila each month. A total of 40 points for 10 months.
The total adds up to 100 points and will be included in the final exam.

Other rules:
- If someone is caught cheating, they will be escorted to the principal's office, and the minimum punishment will be receiving a 0 for that exam.
- There are no make ups for an exam. If a student misses an exam, he will not receive a grade for it. If a student has a valid excuse, he should contact the administration.